Improvement of liquidation of damage incidents related to areas, buildings and vehicles under diplomatic protection Part I

Keywords: diplomacy, exemption, privilege, entry permission


In the entire territory of our country, but above all in Budapest, events requiring the intervention of the fire brigade may occur, affecting areas, buildings or vehicles that are under diplomatic protection. During these damage events, care must be taken to ensure that, in addition to the usual tactical guidelines, the intervention does not violate international or interstate agreements. The purpose of the first part of my thesis is to present the major milestones in the history of diplomacy and to clarify the differences between exemptions and privileges. Within these, I discuss the inviolability of persons, areas and buildings as well as documents, vehicles and assets. In my thesis, I describe the circumstances that make intervention difficult, as well as outline the circumstances that help the recognition of diplomatic protection. The most important question that arises during damage events involving diplomacy is the request for an entry permit before entering the area or building. I also aim to present different legal cases of this.


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How to Cite
KalocsaM. (2023). Improvement of liquidation of damage incidents related to areas, buildings and vehicles under diplomatic protection Part I. Defence Science, 8(3), 27-35.