Communication options for informing the elderly

  • Eszter Balogh
Keywords: prevention, information, fires, fatal fires, communications, social media, platforms, population, marginalized


One of the problems of our fast-paced world is that people are less and less able to deal with their living environment and the dangers lurking around them. It is a paramount task of disaster management to inform the population about the rules of conduct for the given period, through prevention messages, via the communication interfaces available to them. Of these, especially in the winter period but throughout the year, the prevention of fires leading to death and personal injury is of particular importance. One of the problems with the messages is that - in addition to the fact that we can see them every day in various news reports and social media platforms - there is still a community that these messages rarely or never reach.

My task is to conduct a survey among the most vulnerable elderly people, who are cut off from the usual communication channels, in order to find out what interfaces are available to them, thanks to which life-saving information can be delivered to them. Armed with this knowledge, my aim is to use the interfaces defined by them to make the flow of information even more effective in the future.


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How to Cite
BaloghE. (2023). Communication options for informing the elderly. Defence Science, 8(3), 1-16.