Gondolatok a magyar és a szlovák családnevek összevetéséhez

  • Ferenc Vörös


On comparing Hungarian and Slovakian family names  

The first part of the study enumerates the most important guiding principles a researcher should take into consideration when comparing Hungarian and Slovakian family names; though the issue, because of its complexity, can not be given a full description in the present article. Because of several instances of migration and continuous assimilation a large number of family names borrowed from the neighbouring language(s) can be observed in both linguistic communities of the area, which necessitates examining family names of Hungarian and Slovakian origin in parallel. – The second part of the study gives the comparative analysis of ways of name derivation in Hungarian and in Slovakian including the treatment of functionally identical derivative suffixes and their frequencies. The author depicts the forms of name derivation which in the Hungarian–Slovakian relation result in partial or total equality in pronunciation and/or in the written form. Slovakian → Hungarian, Hungarian → Slovakian borrowings of common nouns which might cause problems in identifying the origins of names, especially the names of ethnically mixed territories, are also discussed.

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