Evaluation of Polyjet and SLA 3D printers

  • Márton József Suta University of Debrecen, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Biomaterials and Prosthetic Dentistry
  • Mónika Béresová University of Debrecen, Department of Medical Imaging Faculty of Medicine
  • Loránd Csámer University of Debrecen, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Laboratory of Biomechanics
  • Attila Csík Institute for Nuclear Research, Laboratory of Materials Science, Debrecen
  • Csaba Hegedűs University of Debrecen, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Biomaterials and Prosthetic Dentistry
Keywords: 3D printing, SLA, Polyjet, rapid prototyping


Purpose: To present and compare models created by two different rapid prototyping (RP) methods.
Materials and methods: Using a three-dimensional graphic program (Blender, Blender Foundation) a 10 × 10 × 2 mm test specimen was created and printed with a Formlabs Form 2 (Formlabs Inc.) SLA printer of photopolymerization resin and with a Stratasys Objet 30 Orthodesk (Stratasys GmbH) Polyjet printer of acrylate. After printing, the post-processing was performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and then the specimens were examined by various physical, optical and imaging diagnostic methods.
Results: Our results showed that the two different technologies result in different morphological images and parameters. Between the digital reference specimen and the x and y value of the VeroGlaze MED 620 and Dental SG materials, there was a significant difference (P < 0,001).
Conclusions: The currently available rapid prototyping methods with limitations are suitable for dental use with the measured parameters.


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How to Cite
SutaM. J., BéresováM., CsámerL., CsíkA., & HegedűsC. (2022). Evaluation of Polyjet and SLA 3D printers. Hungarian Journal of Dentistry, 115(2), 64-68. https://doi.org/10.33891/FSZ.114.2.64-68
Original article