PhD theses on Onomastics defended in 2019: Helga Anna Haindrich
Keresztnévtörténeti és szocioonomasztikai vizsgálatok Nagykároly környéki sváb eredetű településeken [Studies in the history of given names and socioonomastics in the Swabian communities in the region of Carei (Nagykároly), Romania]
PhD theses on Onomastics defended in 2019
The brief summaries and the most important data of onomastic PhD dissertations defended successfully at doctoral schools in Hungary are published regularly in Névtani Értesítő: year of completion, size, consultant, opponents, date of defence. – A copy of the dissertations can be found in the libraries of the respective universities. – The dissertation presented here: Haindrich, Helga Anna: Studies in the history of given names and socioonomastics in the Swabian communities in the region of Carei (Nagykároly), Romania.