Szempontok a magyar névtani terminológia megítéléséhez

  • Tamás Farkas ELTE Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Kulcsszavak: névtani terminológia, magyar névtani terminusok, személynévkutatás terminológiája, terminológiai hiányok, névtani terminusok összehasonlító elemzése


On some characteristics and problems of Hungarian onomastic terminology  


Hungarian onomastic literature – inevitably – often refers to or discusses problems relating to the use of technical terms. Such attention, however, is directed primarily to some onomastic sub-field or to particular terms, and the general questions and problems of terminology are not touched upon. The present study intends to raise some of these questions and problems by surveying certain characteristics as well as the present situation of Hungarian onomastic terminology. Topics discussed include: 1. the main types of semantic relations among terms (synonymy, homonymy, polysemy); 2. the use of terms of international or of Hungarian origin; 3. problems concerning the interpretation of terms; 4. different contexts for use of terms and the difficulties arising from this; 5. lack of terms. Each topic is introduced and presented with the help of examples taken from Hungarian onomastic and onomastics-related literature.

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