Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

  1. Statement regarding the moral and ethical principles of publication

The journal Fogorvosi Szemle (Stomatologia Hungarica) applies the process of blind review. All parties who agree to publish a paper (authors, editors, reviewers, and the publisher) equally need to accept the standards for the required ethical comportment. The present ethical statement is based on the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics,

  1. Decisions regarding the publication

The editor of the journal decides which papers are published in the journal from among all the papers submitted. The editor is required to consider the following aspects when making their decision: guidelines established by the editorial board of the journal, as well as the effective laws on slander, violation of copyright, and plagiarism. The editor may rely on assistance by the other editors and/or reviewers when making their decision. The editor of the journal may utilize software as well to screen plagiarism.

  1. Equal opportunity

The contents of the manuscripts are always evaluated by the editor irrespective of the authors’ race, sex, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political views.

  1. Privacy

The members of the editorial board may disclose information about the manuscript submitted for publication exclusively to the corresponding author, the reviewers, the staff of the editorial board, and the publisher.

  1. Publication and conflict of interest

The editor is not entitled to use the unpublished manuscript for their own research without the author’s written consent.


Contribution to editorial decisions

The reviewer is required to assist the editor in decision making, and if necessary, support the author through peer review to improve the scientific quality of the paper.


If the selected reviewer cannot evaluate the manuscript submitted for publication, they are required to notify the editor and renounce their participation in the review procedure.


Every manuscript is a document that requires confidentiality. 


Evaluation has to be performed in an objective manner. Reviewers are required to formulate their evaluation in an unambiguous way, and support it with argumentation.

Referencing sources

Any statements including findings, observations, sequences of thought, or argumentation from an earlier publication have to be referenced in the appropriate manner. Reviewers are required to recognize, and attract the editor’s attention to, any substantial similarity or overlapping of the manuscript with other works.

Publication and conflict of interest

The information gained during evaluation has to be handled in a confidential way, and not allowed to be used for personal advancement. Reviewers are not entitled to evaluate a specific manuscript if any conflict of interest persists due to competition, cooperation, or other relationship with the authors, companies, or institutions associated with the paper.


Publication guidelines

The authors presenting the original research are required to provide an accurate report on the work performed. Interpretation and the conclusion drawn can only be based on facts or impartial and logical demonstration. The background data of the paper have to be presented in an accurate manner. The paper has to be detailed and referenced enough to enable others to replicate the same processes. Any false or knowingly inaccurate statements qualify as unethical and unacceptable behaviour.

Originality and plagiarism

Authors are required to guarantee that the paper is their own original intellectual creation, and if they have used the work of others, they cited them in the appropriate way, and referenced them in a professional manner.

Multiple, redundant, or simultaneous publication

Simultaneous submission of the same manuscript to multiple journals qualifies unethical comportment and is unacceptable.

Referencing sources

Cited works always have to be referenced in a professional way. Authors are required to refer to each of the publications that have affected their work.

Authorship of papers

Every person having substantially contributed to the concept, design, implementation, or interpretation of the study presented has to be listed as one of the authors. Each person having significantly contributed to the study has to be identified as a co-author. At the same time, participants in certain significant phases of the research project have to be mentioned as contributors. Corresponding authors are required to guarantee that all significant co-authors are named in the paper, and that no people are identified as co-authors who are not entitled to be; furthermore, that all co-authors have endorsed and approved of the final version of the paper, as well as agreed to its publication.

Publication and conflict of interest

All authors are required to disclose in their manuscripts those substantial conflicts of interest that may affect its findings or interpretation. All sources of project funding are required to be disclosed. If any significant error or inaccuracy is revealed by author in the work already published, the author is required to notify the editorial board of the journal without delay, and to cooperate with the editor in withdrawing or amending the paper.