Arguments and Counter-arguments about the Orthodontic Space Closure in Case of Missing Incisors

Irodalmi áttekintés

  • Miklós Kaán Semmelweis Egyetem Fogorvostudományi Kar Gyermekfogászati és Fogszabályozási Klinika, Budapest
Keywords: orthodontic space closure, missing central or lateral incisors, periodontal and occlusal evaluation, preprosthodontic orthodontics


An article of Czochrowska, Skaare, Stenvik and Zachrisson was published about the possibilities of orthodontic treatment
of missing upper central incisors, in the American Journal of Orthodontics, in July 2003. This article generated a
heavy discussion among the readers of this periodical. A lot of orthodontists published their pros and cons about
the advantages and disadvantages of orthodontic space closure. The purpose of this review is to collect the opinions
and arguments about the topic from the orthodontic literature. There are some long-term, follow-up studies which compared
the results of the orthodontic and prosthetic solutions after the treatment of missing upper incisors. The betterknown
studies are Nordquist and McNeil’ s work published in the Journal of Periodontology (1975) and the publication
of Robertsson and Mohlin published in the European Journal of Orthodontics (2000). The long-term studies argued that
from the aspect of patients’ satisfaction and periodontal or functional evaluation the orthodontic treatments ensured
better results than either the prosthodontic or implantological approaches. These statements are contentious by a lot
of experts and so it is important to review all the aspects of this topic.

How to Cite
KaánM. (2010). Arguments and Counter-arguments about the Orthodontic Space Closure in Case of Missing Incisors: Irodalmi áttekintés. Hungarian Journal of Dentistry, 103(3), 83-88. Retrieved from