Changes in anamnestic data of patients waiting for dental surgery in Hungary in the past 10 years

Keywords: medical history, surgical treatment, changes


All dental treatments and dental surgeries are preceded by taking a medical history. Our experience shows that in the last
decade the number of anamnestic data that we have to take into account during our treatments has multiplied. Because
the majority of our patients comes from an ageing society, and the drugs receiving for the treatment of their illnesses
have become multifaceted and the protocol for their use often changes. We investigated these trends in our researches.


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How to Cite
LászlófyC., BogdánS., MagyarN., SzűcsA., PelyheL., & NémethZ. (2024). Changes in anamnestic data of patients waiting for dental surgery in Hungary in the past 10 years. Hungarian Journal of Dentistry, 117(1), 2-10.
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