Article review: The effect of non-optimal temperature on mortality

  • József Vitrai Journal of Health Promotion, Budapest, Hungary; MTA-SZTE Health Promotion Research Group
Keywords: non-optimal temperature, mortality, burden of disease, GBD


During the development of measures affecting the health of population, unfavourable temperatures and expose to them, must be taken into account due to the increase in mortality. Keeping temperatures within your home or workplace is fundamental.  The average data contained within the Article, suggest that health complications within Hungary are a direct response of poor temperature maintenance within the home or workplace.


Author Biography

József Vitrai, Journal of Health Promotion, Budapest, Hungary; MTA-SZTE Health Promotion Research Group




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How to Cite
Vitrai, J. (2021). Article review: The effect of non-optimal temperature on mortality. Health Promotion, 62(4), 82-85.
Article review