Comparison of wild bee communities of three semi-natural meadow habitats at Harghita–Covasna Region, Transylvania, Romania
In the temperate climate wild bees are the most important pollinator organisms. Pollination is essential for the communities of semi-natural habitats since this ecosystem service directly affects plant reproduction. The diversity of wild bees living in such areas is remarkably high, but they are susceptible to various anthropogenic influences.
In our study, the composition and structure of wild bee communities were examined in Romania (Transylvania) at three semi-natural areas near Filia, Merești and Vârghiș. The surveyed areas were used as extensive meadows under relatively low but slightly different anthropogenic influence levels. We collected bees in these areas at several places (9 sampling points/area) by individual netting four times during the season. In the studied areas, 129 bee species were found, which makes up about 18% of the approximately 726 wild bee species registered in Romania. In addition to the high number of species, we also observed high diversity values. Our results showed that, even at our sampling site closest to the human settlements, the extensive use of the surveyed areas as meadows allows the development of diverse, species-rich bee communities.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Imre Demeter, Adalbert Balog, Zsolt Józan, Miklós Sárospataki
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