Contributions to the flora and phytogeography of Külső-Somogy and the southern shore of Lake Balaton (Hungary)
As a result of flora and vegetation research carried out on the southern shores of Lake Balaton and the Külső-Somogy hills, the distribution data of 230 vascular plant taxa are reported in this publication. The first detection of Vicia sparsiflora in Southern Transdanubia has an outstanding significance from a phytogeographical point of view. This species with other xerothermic oak forest elements (Carex halleriana, Centaurea triumfettii subsp. axillaris, Cotinus coggygria, Dictamnus albus, Geranium sanguineum, Piptatherum virescens) and some steppe species (Cleistogenes serotina, Leopoldia tenuiflora, Pulsatilla grandis, Sternbergia colchiciflora) proves historical phytogeographical relations of this region with the flora of the Transdanubian Mountain Range – more closely, to the xerothermic vegetation on the Balaton Uplands. The results of this research also show that many lowland steppe species of the Pannonicum (Brassica elongata, Crocus reticulatus, Euphorbia nicaeensis, Hesperis tristis, Taraxacum serotinum, Viola ambigua) immigrated to Külső-Somogy hills from the Mezőföld region. Many common mesic forest species are absent or rare (Adoxa moschatellina, Anemone ranunculoides, Carex digitata, Isopyrum thalictroides) in the northeastern part of Külső-Somogy, dominated by Tilio argenteae-Quercetum forest. This is presumably caused by the more pronounced continental and sub-Mediterranean influences here, as well as the habitat conditions of the dry loess plateaus. However, in the western (rainier) part of Külső-Somogy, Atlantic-Mediterranean forest elements (Dioscorea communis, Ruscus aculeatus) and other “Transdanubian elements” (according to the interpretation of Jávorka; Knautia drymeia, Galium sylvaticum) also occur.
The shore of Lake Balaton has already been almost completely built up, so the coastal lowland vegetation (sand grasslands, alkaline meadows, moors, marshes) has almost completely disappeared. Rarities of the shore, moor and fen vegetation (Peucedanum palustre, Thelypteris palustris, Urtica kioviensis) found shelters in the remnants of coastal reed-beds and on the lake background swamp areas, named “Berek”. Area of the coastal fens and swamps also has predominantly been built up. Still, several valuable species can be found in the remaining habitat fragments occurring in ditches and coastal side of reed-beds: Cyperus flavescens, Hydrocotyle vulgaris, Samolus valerandi, Schoenoplectus pungens, and Taraxacum besarabicum which is extremely rare in the study area. Juncus maritimus, once common on the shores of Lake Balaton, recently can be found in margins of groves characterised by oscillating water level and in sand pits. This holds true for other typical halophytic species (Crypsis aculeata, Silene multiflora). Characteristic species of the meadows and sand grasslands that covered the former beaches now survive in fragmented habitat islands (Echinops ritro subsp. ruthenicus) or became adapted to urban environment and recently grow in mown lawns (Medicago monspeliaca, Spiranthes spiralis).
In the paper, regional distribution maps of Carex halleriana, Corydalis pumila, Crocus reticulatus, Juncus maritimus, Silene multiflora and Taraxacum serotinum representing the regional chorological pattern types are also given.
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