Black poplar steppe woods in the Tengelic Sands (Hungary)

  • Gábor Lendvai Sárbogárd 7000, Tompa Mihály u. 38/C
  • Balázs Kevey University of Pécs, Department of Ecology, H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság u. 6.
Keywords: forest steppe, Great Hungarian Plain, multivariate comparison, syntaxonomy, vegetation on sand


In the Tengelic Sands (Central Hungary), small patches of black poplar woods have been discovered recently. The habitat they grow in is very similar to that of juniper-poplar wood (Junipero-Populetum albae (Zólyomi ex Soó 1950) Szodfridt 1969) and oak steppe wood (Populo canescenti-Quercetum roboris (Hargitai 1940) Borhidi in Borhidi et Kevey 1996) distributed mostly east of the Danube. We carried out a comparative vegetation analysis to determine their phytosociological characteristics and their affinities to juniper-poplar wood and oak steppe wood, their presumed relatives. Reference material was collected in the Kiskunság Sands, where we sampled juniper-poplar woods either with white poplar or black poplar or with both in addition to oak steppe woods and closed pedunculate oak forests. Our analysis revealed substantially stronger similarity of black poplar steppe woods to the juniper-poplar wood than to the oak steppe woods. The proportion of dry grassland species (Festuco-Brometea s.l. and Festucetea vaginatae s.l.) exceeded that of forest species (Querco-Fagetea s.l. and Quercetea pubescentis-petraeae s.l.) in all three types of poplar woods, as opposed to that of the woods dominated by oaks. The proportion of Festuco-Brometea s.l. species also exceeded that of Festucetea vaginatae s.l. species. The difference between these values was essentially the same in pairwise comparisons of poplar woods, but was increasingly greater in comparisons with the oak steppe wood and the closed oak forest. However, the proportion of mesic forest species (Querco-Fagetea s.l.) was substantially higher, and the proportion of the Festucetea vaginatae s.l. species was one third lower in the black poplar steppe woods than in the juniper-poplar woods. The relatively high proportions of ruderal species (Chenopodio-Scleranthea) and introduced aliens indicated an elevated level of disturbance. Results of binary cluster and principal coordinates analyses showed that the compared three vegetation units are approximately equally differentiated floristically from one another. We concluded that the available research material on the different types of sand steppe woodland is very limited, and as a consequence, we cannot determine the syntaxonomical status of these black poplar woods at the current level of knowledge.


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How to Cite
LendvaiG., & KeveyB. (2022). Black poplar steppe woods in the Tengelic Sands (Hungary). Botanikai Közlemények, 109(1), 35-54.
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