Contributions to the Hungarian alien flora: first subspontaneous occurrence of kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch. var. deliciosa (A. Chev.) A. Chev.) in Hungary

  • János Csiky University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Ecology, H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6.
  • Tamás Wirth University of Pécs, Botanic Garden, H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6.
Keywords: Actinidiaceae, casual alien, identification key, kiwifruit, neophyte, urban flora


Recording the first escaped individuals of non-native taxa is important both theoretically and practically in order to assess their potential as invasive species. Two escaped specimens of kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch. var. deliciosa (A. Chev.) A. Chev.) were found in built-up areas of Pécs (Southern Hungary). Both individuals occurred at the foot of brick buildings, in cracks, near gutter downspouts, close to grocery stores in different parts of the city. Despite frequent pruning, the individual first found in 2019 produces vital, but non-flowering shoots every year (max. heigth 1.8 m, max. width 2.5 m). In the absence of flowering shoots, individuals were identified based on vegetative characters (leaf shape, quality and quantity of indumentum on the leaf and on the shoot). As the representatives of the genus Actinidia Lindley have not appeared in the Hungarian flora so far, this paper also contains a brief introduction of the genus and its major intrageneric taxa cultivated in the country. Identification keys of the Actinidiaceae family and Actinidia taxa planted in Hungary are also included. The chances of further occurrence and potential naturalization of the species are also discussed on the basis of the Hungarian and European experiences.


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