Partial geographical and phenological isolation of Linaria biebersteinii Bess. and L. angustissima (Lois.) Borbás in the Carpathian Basin

  • Gábor Lendvai H-7000 Sárbogárd, Tompa M. u. 38/C, Hungay
Keywords: hybridization, morphological variation, pre-zygotic reproductive barriers, steppe, sympatric distribution


I compiled data on the geographical distribution and flowering phenology of Linaria biebersteinii and L. angustissima within the Carpathian Basin using my own field observations and herbarium data from the collections of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (BP). All locations where the species have been reported or collected are listed. The distribution maps are based solely on data of the revised herbarium material and personal field observations. Phenology was determined from the actual date of collection and phenological state of the collected specimens excluding duplicate specimens from the same location on the same day. I developed an unbiased estimator of flowering probability using the number of collected flowering specimens in time intervals of fixed length and the total number of collected flowering specimens.
In the Carpathian Basin, L. biebersteinii is confined to the lowlands of the Hungarian Plain, whereas L. angustissima occurs primarily in the low mountains and foothills of the Carpathians. Their ranges, however, partially overlap on the plain. Their flowering distributions are considerably different, although they overlap later in the flowering season after the peak flowering of L. angustissima. The degree of geographical and phenological isolation supports the designation of the two taxa as distinct and well-established species but does not exclude their potential for hybridization.


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