Steppe oak woods (Aceri tatarici-Quercetum pubescentis-roboris Zólyomi 1957) in the Tolnai-hegyhát, Hungary

  • Gábor Lendvai H-7000 Sárbogárd, Tompa M. u. 38/C, Hungay
  • András Horváth Vak Bottyán Primary and Secondary School, H-7081 Simontornya, Hunyadi u. 15, Hungay
  • Balázs Kevey University of Pécs, Department of Ecology, H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság u. 6, Hungary
  • György Simon H-2485 Gárdony-Dinnyés, Május 1. u. 2/A, Hungary
Keywords: Aceri tatarici-Quercion, forest steppe, multivariate analyses, Orno-Cotinion, syntaxonomy


As part of our research work on forest steppe vegetation, we studied the isolated patches of pubescent oak woods in the northern part of the Tolnai-hegyhát, a low, loess-covered hilly area adjacent to the Transdanubian part of the Great Hungarian Plain. Our main goal was to determine their distribution, habitat characteristics and clarify their syntaxonomic relations. We recorded locations and habitat characteristics, and collected 40 vegetation samples following the Zürich-Montpellier standard protocol, which we analyzed with traditional phytosociological and multivariate statistical methods. As reference material, we included in our analyses vegetation samples of steppe woodlands (Aceri tatarici-Quercetum) recorded earlier in the adjacent Mezőföld region. In the multivariate analyses, we also included samples of xeromesic closed oak forests (Pulmonario mollis-Quercetum roboris) from the Tolnai-hegyhát, and sub-Mediterranean pubescent oak woods (Tamo-Quercetum virgilianae) from the Kelet-Mecsek) for comparison. Patches of pubescent oak woods were most frequently encountered in the eastern part of our study area with decreasing frequency and extension southwestward. They were found on often steep southwesterly and westerly hillsides close to ridges and hilltops, growing usually in strongly eroded dark soil. The analyses of characteristic species revealed higher proportions of Aceri tatarici Quercion and Orno-Cotinion elements in these pubescent oak woods than in the reference community, but the difference in the Orno-Cotinion elements was much higher. The proportion of plants of weed-like habit (Chenopodio-Urticea s. l.) was substantially lower compared to the samples of the steppe woodland. The analyses of distribution patterns (floristic elements) showed much higher proportion of the sub-Mediterranean distribution type in these forests than in the steppe woodland, whereas the proportions of continental elements essentially did not differ. The binary cluster analysis resulted in four groups, of which one included the partially overlapping samples of the pubescent oak woods and the steppe woodland, while the samples of the other two communities formed two distinct groups on a different branch. The principal coordinates analysis resulted in three distinct sets of the samples, of which one included the samples of the pubescent oak woods and the steppe woodland, whereas the rest separately included the samples of the other two communities. The results suggest that despite their strong sub-Mediterranean character, these pubescent oak woods are very closely related to the sub-Mediterranean variant of lowland steppe woodlands (Aceri tatarici-Quercetum pubescentis-roboris) as opposed to the calcicole, pre-Illyrian pubescent oak forests (Orno-Cotinion). We think that these pubescent oak woods represent the final outposts of the forest steppe zone southwestwards, occurring extrazonally.


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