Chromosome numbers of protected vascular plant species of Transcarpathia, Ukraine – preliminary results
The plains of Transcarpathia, the northeastern Carpathian Basin region, belong to the Pannonian Floristic Province (Pannonicum). Therefore, understanding the region’s plant diversity is indispensable for Hungarian floristic research. A precise knowledge of cytological markers is essential, as they can shed light on important evolutionary lineages. This study summarizes the chromosome number data of protected and endangered vascular plant species (altogether 207 species) in Transcarpathia, based on the available literature. The work also compares the protection status of taxa according to the Red Book of Ukraine and the Red List of Threatened Species issued by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Of the 207 protected species examined, the chromosome number is known for 203 species, of which only 8 originate from the study of Transcarpathian populations.
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