Bidens connata Muhl. ex Willd. in Hungary and additions to the distribution of other alien taxa in the country

Keywords: adventive species, floristics, invasion, neophyte, synanthropic flora, urban flora


In this study, we present new distribution data of 79 alien species from Hungary collected over the last few years. Of the listed species, five are new to the Hungarian flora: Bidens connata, Dianthus giganteus, Guizotia abyssinica, Oenothera deflexa, Polypogon monspeliensis. Several occurrences of Bidens connata were recorded in riparian vegetation in the middle and lower sections of the Tisza river. Dianthus giganteus, a rarely planted ornamental, was encountered in closed grasslands in some parts of the Balaton Uplands and the Rába Valley. The East-African Guizotia abyssinica – probably introduced by fish food – appears occasionally so far. Oenothera deflexa was found in an old-field, in Hatvan Plain, while Polypogon monspeliensis turned up in a gravel pit at Rábapaty. Symphoricarpos orbiculatus is presumably already a more widespread, under-mapped species, and is expected to occur near settlements mainly. We report the first occurrence of Artemisia verlotiorum – a species of high invasive potential – from Szigetköz section of the Danube. We illustrate on maps the spread of Euphorbia maculata and Lepidium densiflorum, which have spread rapidly over the last two to three decades and are now widespread in Hungary. We add ample new data to the distribution of Lepidium oblongum, which appeared along railway lines a few years ago and has spread intensively since then, and on Plantago coronopus, which has been present along transport routes for a decade. We report on the recurrent appearence of Eclipta prostrata in riparian environments, the rapid spread of Torilis nodosa in dry habitats in the settlements of the Balaton region, and clarify the current status of invasion of Panicum dichotomiflorum, P. riparium and Setaria faberi based on numerous new observations. For the first time, we report on the occurrence of Albizia julibrissin, Chenopodium pumilio, Euphorbia serpens and Parietaria judaica in Western Transdanubia, and Lepidium virginicum in the Transdanubian Mountains. In the future, Leymus arenarius is expected to become a dangerous invasive species in sandy areas, Elymus elongatus in dry grasslands, Buddleja davidii and Pyracantha coccinea in shrublands, and Pennisetum alopecuroides in urban lawns.


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How to Cite
Schmidt D., Mesterházy A., Molnár C., Süveges K., Wolf M., Csathó A. I., & Bauer N. (2024). Bidens connata Muhl. ex Willd. in Hungary and additions to the distribution of other alien taxa in the country. Botanikai Közlemények, 111(2), 161-210.
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