Hungarian herbaria 15. Herbarium of the Balaton Museum (KBM) in Keszthely

  • Timea Nagy University of Pannonia, Georgikon Faculty, Department of Plant Sciences and Biotechnology, H–8360 Keszthely, Festetics utca 7, Hungary
  • Attila Takács University of Debrecen, Department of Botany, H–4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1, Hungary
  • Judit Bódis University of Pannonia, Georgikon Faculty, Department of Plant Sciences and Biotechnology, H–8360 Keszthely, Festetics utca 7, Hungary
Keywords: digital database, history of botany, János Tuzson, Miklós Frech’, natural history collection, Rezső Soó


Our aim was to digitalize and publish information on the vascular herbarium of the Balaton Museum in Keszthely (provisional acronym: KBM) in order to provide easier acces to the data. The KBM is divided into four sub-collections: 1) collection of the late grammar school of Keszthely (KGH), 2) collection of Rezső Soó originated from the region Lake Balaton, 3) János Tuzson: Flora Exsiccata Planitiei Hungaricae and 4) collection of Miklós Frech’. All of the herbarium sheets were documented by digital photographs and after that all data from the labels were recorded in an MS Excel spreadsheet. The KBM consists of ca. 9000 specimens, among which the number of informative specimens is only 6563 and merely half of them originates from the Pannonian region. The most productive period of the collection’s history spanned between 1818 and 1981. The number of specimens of the KGH is ca. 6000, the Soó’s collection is 1585, the Frech’s collection is 852 and the Tuzson’s exsiccata is 673. Most of the sheets originated from Hungary (except for the majority of specimens of the KGH). The earliest collection was the KGH’s (1810–1920’s), then Soó's and Tuzson's collection (1920–30’s), and last was the Frech’s sub-collection (1950–80’s). The collection represents mainly the region of the Lake Balaton: most of the Hungarian specimens of Soó, Frech’ and KGH derives from there. The title is often inaccurate and in several cases only a geographical or historical region is shown as habitat on the labels of the foreign material of the KGH.


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How to Cite
Nagy T., Takács A., & Bódis J. (2016). Hungarian herbaria 15. Herbarium of the Balaton Museum (KBM) in Keszthely. Botanikai Közlemények, 103(2), 213-226.
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