Steppe woodlands with Tatarian maple (Aceri tatarici-Quercetum pubescentis-roboris Zólyomi 1957) in the Northern Mezőföld and adjacent areas, Hungary

  • András Horváth MTA Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Alkotmány u. 2-4, H-2163 Vácrátót
  • Balázs Kevey University of Pécs, Department of Ecology, Ifjúság útja 6., H-7624 Pécs, Hungary
  • Gábor Lendvai H-7000 Sárbogárd, Ady E. út 162.
  • György Simon H-8000 Székesfehérvár, Széchenyi u. 35.
  • Imre Sonnevend H-8200 Veszprém, Lóczi L. u. 5/G.
Keywords: forest steppe on loess, Great Hungarian Plain, multivariate comparisons, syntaxonomy


As the third part of a series describing and analyzing steppe woodlands in the westernmost part of the Great Hungarian Plain, the Mezőföld, Hungary, this paper presents the major findings of the analysis of 20 phytosociological samples collected in the northern part of our study area, closest to the Central Transdanubian Mountain Range.

We found steppe woodland remnants in this area mostly at locations that were indicated as forested on historical maps drawn in the fourth quarter of the 18th century. These stands were highly similar to one another in structure (layers, canopy openness, height), species composition, and ecological and phytogeographical features. We compared the phytosociological parameters of these samples to those from the Mezőföld. The proportion of characteristic species of selected syntaxa were by and large similar between the two locations, with the notable difference in the proportions of Fagion s.l. and Fagetalia s.l. and Orno-Cotinion and Orno-Cotinetalia s.l. with excess values in the samples from the Northern Mezőföld, and also Chenopodio-Scleranthea s.l. with an excess value in the samples from the Mezőföld. The proportion of Orno-Cotinion species substantially exceeded that of Aceri-Quercion s.l. as opposed to the samples from the Mezőföld.

The distribution of proportions of different floristic elements was also similar to that in the Mezőföld except for the species with sub-Mediterranean s.l. range of distribution. Their value was notably higher than that in the Mezőföld. Multivariate comparisons revealed strong similarity to the samples from both, the Velence Hills and the Mezőföld, whereas they were expressly distinct from pubescent oak forests (Vicio sparsiflorae-Quercetum pubescentis), a closely related community of the Vértes Hills.

We concluded that the studied stands most likely represent the sub-Mediterranean variant of steppe woodlands with Tatarian maple sensu Zólyomi (Aceri tatarici-Quercetum pubescentis-roboris ornetosum). These steppe woodlands exhibit a much more pronounced sub-Mediterranean character in species composition than the ones in the Mezőföld, and, as such, are more closely related to the steppe woodland remnants in the neighboring Velence-Hills.


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How to Cite
Horváth A., Kevey B., Lendvai G., Simon G., & Sonnevend I. (2017). Steppe woodlands with Tatarian maple (Aceri tatarici-Quercetum pubescentis-roboris Zólyomi 1957) in the Northern Mezőföld and adjacent areas, Hungary. Botanikai Közlemények, 104(1), 109–130.
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