Bryophyte flora of the Buda Arboretum (Budapest, Hungary)

  • Attila Rigó Department of Botany, Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1087 Budapest, Könyves K. krt. 40, Hungary
  • Andor Kovács Faculty of Horticultural Science, Szent István University, H-1118 Budapest, Villányi út 29–43, Hungary
  • Csaba Németh GINOP Sustainable Ecosystems Group, MTA Centre for Ecological Research, H-8237 Tihany, Klebelsberg Kuno út 3, Hungary
Keywords: arboretums and botanical gardens, bryophyte flora, ecological indexes, life strategies


We completed a bryofloristical study in the whole territory of the Buda Arboretum (Budapest, Hungary). As a result of our survey, 56 bryophyte species were found altogether. The majority of the species are frequent in Hungary. Four of them (Gymnostomum calcareum, Orthotrichum obtusifolium, Orthotrichum pumilum, Pseudocrossidium revolutum) however, are classified as Near Threatened species according to the Red List of Bryophytes. The most abundant epiphytic bryophyte is Orthotrichum diaphanum, the most frequent one on limestone rocks is Schistidium crassipilum, and that on concrete is Amblystegium serpens. Eurhynchium hians has the greatest coverage on soil in the arboretum. Near three quarters of the bryophytes of the arboretum are in the “deciduous forest” category based on temperature requirement classes (T-values). Considering the water requirement classes (W-values), two thirds of the encountered bryophytes belong to one of the groups of “extremely dry”, “very dry”, “dry” and “moderately dry”. This is a bioindication of the dry climate of the arboretum. Regarding the substrate pH tolerance classes (R-values), nearly half of the bryophytes are “indifferent”, the other half is “basifrequent”. Two thirds of the bryophyte species in the arboretum are colonists, while the rest either perennials, long-lived shuttles, short-lived shuttles, fugitives or annual shuttles according to life-strategy types.


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How to Cite
Rigó A., Kovács A., & Németh C. (2019). Bryophyte flora of the Buda Arboretum (Budapest, Hungary). Botanikai Közlemények, 106(2), 217-235.
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