Oak-hornbeam forests in the Tolnai-hegyhát, Hungary (Corydali pumilae-Carpinetum Kevey 2008)

  • Balázs Kevey University of Pécs, Department of Ecology, Ifjúság útja 6., H-7624 Pécs, Hungary
  • András Horváth Vak Bottyán Primary and Secondary School, Hunyadi u. 15, H-7081 Simontornya, Hungary
  • Gábor Lendvai H-7000 Sárbogárd, Tompa Mihály u. 38/C, Hungary
Keywords: forest vegetation on loess, southwestern Hungary, syntaxonomy


We studied the phytosociological characteristics of the hornbeam forests in the Tolnai Hegyhát, an area in the northeastern part of Southern Transdanubia. Phytosociologically, the hornbeam-dominated stands in the study area significantly differ from the closed oak forests (Pulmonario mollis-Quercetum roboris) in the high proportion of Fagetalia species as well as the high proportion of European species, as opposed to the high proportion of Quercetea pubescentipetraeae species and sub-Mediterranean and continental species in the closed oak forests. These hornbeam forests are more similar to the hornbeam forests growing in the Transdanubian Mountain Range than those in Southern Transdanubia. We identified these hornbeam forests with the „Corydali pumilae-Carpinetum Kevey 2008” association within the Carpinenion betuli Issler 1931 suballiance.


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