Detailed description of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) inflorescence by using stereomicroscopic focus stacking technique
In this study, male and female inflorescences of the monoecious common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) were investigated with digital microscope by applying the stereomicroscopic focus stacking technique. The novelty of this work is providing a detailed morphological description of the inflorescences in Hungarian and the high-quality close-up photographs allowing visualization of microscopic structures of male and female flowers. These images clearly display individual floral structures and their appendages, such as colleters on the surface of corolla, pistillodium in the male flower, anthers and their claws that fit together, and the connate phyllaries of female flower surrounding the papillose long stigmas. Isolation of floral structures is a prerequisite of the identification of genes associated with flower development.
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