Oszmán-török szavak tulajdonneveinkben I.


  • Imre Baski


Osmanli loan-words in Hungarian proper names 1. Personal names

In a neglected field of Hungarian-related Turkish onomastic researches the author collects Hungarian proper names proved in the literature to be of Osmanli origin. After giving an overview of the previous findings, the first part of the study enumerates the time and place of occurrence of 65 family names and provides the reader with their meanings and their etymologies. In his analysis the author differentiates between personal names of Osmanli origin inserted into the vocabulary of the Hungarian language as personal names (e.g. Ali, Hamza, Bajzát, Sismán, Szulimán, Topál, Kara) and Hungarian personal names coming from Hungarian common nouns of Osmanli origin (e.g. Csanak, Csizmadia, Dohány, Janicsár, Kaftán, Kávé, Maszlag, Pamuk, Tombác, Turba). These two layers of proper names differ substantially from each other both in their cultural history and in their chronology. The author, however, does not separate Osmanli loan-names transmitted into Hungarian by another language (mainly Balkan Slavic languages such as Serbo-Croatian) from those borrowed directly from Osmanli.

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