Névtani kutatások a poznańi Adam Mickiewicz Egyetemen

  • Irena Sarnowska-Giefing Adam-Mickiewicz Poznańi Egyetem
Kulcsszavak: lengyel névkutatás, poznańi névtani kutatócsoport, Adam Mickiewicz Egyetem, Lengyelország


Onomastic research at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

In 2005 a research group for onomastics was established in the Institute of Polish Philology at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. Successful research projects have been carried out in three fields, i.e. historical place and personal names as well as names in literature have been widely examined. Adopting sociolinguistic and cultural historical approaches in research into place and personal names, the major concerns discussed in associated projects involve historical relations, the town as a research site and European connections. Significant results have been achieved in investigating literary names by compiling relevant bibliographies and analysing the connections between text linguistics, genre theory and onomastics.

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