On the origins of Hungarian geographical names – alternative views

Reflections on some books published recently

  • Erzsébet Zelliger ELTE Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Keywords: place names, non-professional etymology, methodology of etymology, Hungarian place names, place names of foreign origin, Carpathian basin, historical toponomastics


On the origins of Hungarian geographical names – alternative views. Reflections on some books published recently

The paper explores the methodology of non-professional linguistic enquiries following the etymological principles of the mid-19th-century dictionary written by Czuczor and Fogarasi. The topic is examined in connection with a recently reviewed volume. To examine the place name stock, the author of this book outlines the basics of phonology and morphology, dissociating himself from the views of “established linguistics”. For example, the author believes the t and k sounds to be “creator sounds”, from which all human sounds have developed. He denies the function of vowels in differentiating meanings, but attributes important roles to onomatopoeia and gemination. In the Carpathian region, he believes, the etymologies of Hungarian (or presumably Hungarian) place names can be identified based on their stems, e.g. BerényBrünn, Beszterce, GerécGraz, etc. The structures of place names, according to the author, include stem, stem + stem, stem + derivative suffix(es), stem + stem + derivative suffix(es). Place names of foreign (Slavic, German, Romanian) origin, he explains, came into existence later, and fall outside the scope of the book.

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