Linguistic analysis of names for Austrian and Hungarian wine products

  • Anikó Szilágyi-Kósa Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
Keywords: product names, names of wines, strategies in naming products, Austria, Transdanubia, proper names in brand names


Linguistic analysis of names for Austrian and Hungarian wine products

The study presents the product-naming strategies of innovative wineries in Eastern Austria and Transdanubian Hungary that mainly produce natural wines. The dataset was compiled through an internet search of wine product names used in the early 2020s. The names were classified according to the linguistic elements and strategies found in the names. The names were then used to identify the linguistic-cultural contacts on both sides of the Hungarian-Austrian border. The wine product names contain many primary proper names (surnames, forenames, toponyms), but also abound in linguistic play and elements of foreign origin. All these can be explained by the general expectation of product names to attract the attention of the consumer, to be memorable and useful for advertising purposes.
