The system, functionality and translatability of place names in the series of fantasy novels A Song of Ice and Fire

Keywords: literary translation, translation of proper names, A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin, place names, fantasy literature, English source language, Hungarian target language, literary names


The system, functionality and translatability of place names in the series of fantasy novels A Song of Ice and Fire


The paper examines the place name systems appearing in the novels of the fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. Motivation for naming is identified through the analysis of names for large physical features, regions and their seats. A functional-semantic typology including examples is also established, which demonstrates how rich in detail the literary world is and how colourful the adopted names are. The author also discusses the metonymic use of place names and observes the use of names in relation to the events and the world of the novels. Although the analysis is based on the original, English place names, the paper also examines the Hungarian translations of the toponyms focusing on the principles and systematicity of translation strategies. The author presents how successful the translated name forms are in maintaining the semantic and structural features of the original place names.
