A Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság Névtani Tagozatának honlapja elé

  • Róbert Kenyhercz
Kulcsszavak: magyar névkutatás, névtani honlap, Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság, névkutatás intézményrendszere


On the new home page of the Onomastic Section of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics

This brief review introduces the new home page of the Onomastic Section of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics. The website accessible at the Internet address http://nevtan.mnyt.hu and serves two purposes. On the one hand it is designed for scholars of onomastics. The website includes current information, conference papers, publication lists as well as an archive that is continuously being completed by names scholars to become a relatively complete collection of Hungarian onomastic literature by name scholars. On the other hand the website is also designed for people interested in names and onomastics. It presents the major topics and the history of onomastics in a way that is easy to understand. It also operates an information service in the form of a forum, where visitors may ask questions to experts in connection with names. This website is accessible to function not only as an electronic library, but also as an interactive portal creating a virtual community of name scholars.

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