A doktori iskolákban megvédett névtani témájú disszertációk 2011-ben: Kenyhercz Róbert

A szókezdő mássalhangzó-torlódások az ómagyar korban (A helynevek hangtörténeti forrásértéke)

  • Róbert Kenyhercz Debreceni Egyetem


PhD theses on Onomastics defended in 2011  


The brief summaries and the most important data of onomastic PhD dissertations defended successfully at doctoral schools in Hungary are published regularly in Névtani Értesítő: year of completion, size, consultant, opponents, date of defence. – More detailed summaries, summaries in English and complete dissertations can be found on the home page of the Onomastic Section of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics (http://nevtan.mnyt.hu). A copy of the dissertations can be found in the libraries of the respective universities. – The dissertation presented here: Kenyhercz, Róbert: Word-initial consonant clusters in the Old Hungarian period. The value of place names as sources of historical phonetics.

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