Beszámoló a XXIII. Nemzetközi Névtudományi Kongresszusról
Report on the 23rd International Congress of Onomastic Sciences
The International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS) organised its twenty-third congress entitled “Names in Contact: Names in a Multi-Lingual, Multi-Cultural, Multi-Ethnic World” in Toronto, 17–22 of August, 2008. The approximately 200 participants in the congress were able to present the results of their recent research in sessions focusing on these various topics (in alphabetical order): Aboriginal, Indigenous Names; Alpine and Mountain Names; Bibliographies; Business Names; ICOS Bibliography Session; Jewish Names; Names in an Educational Setting; Names in Contact; Names in Literature; Other Names; Personal Names; Place Names; Proper Names in Social Encounters; Sign Language; Street Names; Terminology; Theory, Linguistic Aspects of Names; Toponymy in Cartographic Language.