Poliszém jelentésszerkezetek Kosztolányi Dezső Édes Anna című regényében
Polysemous meaning structures in the novel Édes Anna by Dezső Kosztolányi
In works on literary onomastics, Kosztolányi’s prose, which includes a vast number of names invented by the writer to capture his readers’ imagination, is often used as an illustrative example. Kosztolányi demonstrated his sensitivity towards the importance of giving names in literary works of art also in his essays and statements. Some studies have already made efforts to map the role of names in given pieces of literature, but these analyses have usually failed to reach the level of a complex and systematic theory, which could successfully explain the broader function, the dynamic cohesive force of imaginary names in literary texts. The present paper uses cognitive semantics as a theoretical background as well as the notions of polysemy and meaning structures to give a possible interpretation of the above mentioned linguistic phenomena, providing an opportunity for the establishment of an exact, yet flexible model, which can account for even the minor details of the mechanisms of literary name-giving processes.