Study on intra-articular hyaluronic acid treatment of saddle joint arthrosis with Sinoval HL® injection

  • Judit Reka Hetthessy Hand Clinic, Budapest, Hungary
  • Luca Hergar Orthopedic Clinic, Faculty of General Medicine, Semmelweis University , Budapest, Hungary
Keywords: Hand; Hyaluronic acid; Injections, intraarticular; Osteoarthritis; Thumb;


Saddle joint arthrosis is a common disease in the aging patient population, associated with significant pain and reduced hand function. In the treatment of this progressive disease several questions remain unanswered; however the interdisciplinary literature agrees that the maximum utilization of conservative therapy is recommended. Sinovial HL® intra-articular injection contains a mixture of light and heavy molecular weight hyaluronic acid chains and has anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective properties when injected into the saddle joint. The aim of the research was to investigate the clinical effectiveness of the injection. Patients treated for arthrosis of the saddle joint were selected for the research, those who also had radiological changes appropriate for intraarticular viscosupplementation (Eaton–Littler stage II–IV) and whose complaints did not improve after 6–8 weeks of initial first-line conservative therapy. Depending on their complaints, the patients received one–three injections into the saddle joint. Out of the 21 selected patients, the complaints showed a significant improvement in 20 cases, additional surgical treatment became necessary in 1 case only. Sinovial HL® injection can be used effectively in the conservative treatment of saddle joint arthrosis.


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