Prof. Emer. Dr. Antal Renner is 90 years old
Prof. Emer. Dr. Antal Renner's 90th birthday greeting.
Prof. Emer. Dr. Antal Renner's 90th birthday greeting.
The journal has been published by MATROKPLASZT Folyóirat Alapítvány since 2010.
Chairman of the Board of Trustees: Prof. Emer. Dr. Antal Renner
Members of the Board of Trustees:
Prof. Dr. András Sárváry (Hungarian Society of Traumatologists)
Prof. Dr. László Hangody (Hungarian Orthopedic Society)
Prof. Dr. Gusztáv Gulyás (Hungarian Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons)
Founding companies:
Hungarian Society of Traumatologists
Hungarian Orthopedic Society
Hungarian Society of Hand Surgeons
Hungarian Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society