I am Ashamed, Therefore I am?

Shame in Psychology with a Theological Perspective

  • Valentina Seffer Evangélikus Hittudományi Egyetem
Keywords: theology, psychology, shame, Donald L. Nathanson, Old Testament


The relation between psychology and theology is often examined and contrasted. In her paper, the author shows the connection between the two sciences through the concept of shame. As one of the central concepts and states of mind both in psychology and theology, shame unmistakably links us to the story of sin (Genesis 3), and is an emotionally and genetically encoded reality that psychology cannot overlook. The author presents and explores various theories about the nature and meaning of shame in this study, all of which seek to interpret and examine the concept of shame, its psychological projections and the distortions of personality that can result from them. Examples of the latter can be found in Scripture in connection with an event or a Biblical character, but this does not mean that we might find examples for all types of psychological cases in Scripture, and certainly not solutions to them. In psychology, the most expressive compass for coping with shame is Nathanson’s compass, which illustrates how an individual can respond to shameful situations.

Author Biography

Valentina Seffer, Evangélikus Hittudományi Egyetem

hittanoktató, vallástanár, doktorandusz - Budapest


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