Regional Aspects of Railway Passenger Transport Between Hungary and Romania

  • György Iván Neszmélyi Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, KVIK Kereskedelem Tanszék
  • Szilvia Erdeiné Késmárki-Galli Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem, Üzleti, Kommunikációs és Turisztikai Kar, Üzleti Tudományok Intézete
  • Attila Erdei Szent István Egyetem, Enyedi György Regionális Tudományok Doktori Iskola
Keywords: Connection, Hungary, Railway, Romania, Transport


The main function of public transport systems is the mobility which contributes to the competitiveness and to the appropriate quality of life and cohesion of the society. The main actors of the transportation systems are the passengers, the suppliers of services and the decision-making authorities and organizations (like the government, local governments and the professional authorities). In the present study, the authors provide thorough insight into the state of passenger rail transport between Hungary and Romania, including the possibilities for development in the future. The study is a historical overview based on international and domestic secondary research results. In selecting the literature, we processed regional railway transport and transport history secondary sources. According to the research, in both countries, railways continue to play a significant role in passenger transport. The maintenance of rail traffic between countries requires the cooperation of neighbouring states. Fares and services should be attractive and simple. This is especially true if different languages and different currencies are used on both sides of the border. The development of cross-border traffic can bring important benefits to both larger and smaller regions (e.g. labour market, investment, etc.). In this light, the modernization of the infrastructure and the vehicle fleet in line with the expectations of the 21st century is important.
