Articre review: Emotion regulation strategies modulate the effect of adverse childhood experiences on perceived chronic stress with implications for cognitive flexibility

  • Andrea Kovács University of Debrecen Medical School Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Debrecen, Hungary
Keywords: emotion regulation, chronic stress, childhood experiences, cognitive flexibility, health problems


Kalia V., Knauft K. (2020). Emotion regulation strategies modulate the effect of adverse childhood experiences on perceived chronic stress with implications for cognitive flexibility. PLOS ONE 15(6): e0235412. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235412

How to Cite
Kovács, A. (2022). Articre review: Emotion regulation strategies modulate the effect of adverse childhood experiences on perceived chronic stress with implications for cognitive flexibility. Health Promotion, 63(2), 48-50.
Article review