The importance of the 60-year-old Hungarian Congenital Anomalies Registry today

  • Melinda Csáky-Szunyogh National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy, Hungary
Keywords: congenital anomaly, congenital abnormality, pathogenesis, surveillance, regional representation, anomaly prevention


Congenital anomalies are conditions that develop during foetal life as a result of abnormalities in prenatal development, the majority of which are associated with severe morbidity, mortality, and lifelong functional impairment. In Hungary, a compulsory data collection system (which has been in place since 1962) registers a specific group of conditions that constitute a specific group of congenital malformations, classified by the International Classification of Diseases-10 in Chapter XVII. A significant number of congenital malformations are preventable. Still, prevention requires research of the changes in prevalence and causes, the publication of the results, the development of recommendations and measures and then the organisation and implementation of public health programs based upon these.
The Hungarian Congenital Anomalies Registry (HCAR) provides a good basis for studying trends in anomalies, early detection of adverse effects and evaluation of the results of foetal diagnostics. In this review, the rationale for the operation of the anomaly registries, the functions of the HCAR, and the value of its surveillance system will be described.


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How to Cite
Csáky-Szunyogh, M. (2023). The importance of the 60-year-old Hungarian Congenital Anomalies Registry today. Health Promotion, 64(3), 14-24.
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