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Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024)
This thematical issue provides a great variety of different legal aspects of migration and refugee affairs, mainly from the East-Central European point of view, such as national reports on regulation and practice of border defence and illegal migration, or, inter alia, general considerations on non-refoulement, religious freedom or migration crime.
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023)
In this volume, several articles examine issues concerning national constitutional identity and sovereignity through the lens of national supreme court and constitutional courts jurisprudence. Others shed the light on the fragile interaction between the principle of rule of law, the protection of fundamental rights and the national legal order.
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
Issue 1 of 2023 contains a great variety of legal questions of high interest, generating scientific and practical concerns, such as state sovereignty, protection of national symbols, protection of the family and children, and combating crimes from international and national points of view.
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
The second issue of the year 2022 consists of a great variety of articles reflecting the complex socio-economic conditions of today. Following the Editorial Board's earlier thematic call for papers, some respond to the challenges of the digital age, discussing the role of private law, privacy and freedom of expression. In addition to the protection of privacy, this issue also focuses on the relationship between the GDPR and freedom of conscience, the right to image and freedom of expression. The collision between rights, environmental protection and collective human rights is also highlighted in the story of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, while the contrast between property rights and the protection of cultural heritage is also discussed in the paper submitted to another thematic call of the journal, which analyses the ECtHR's practice in this context. The restriction of property rights in favour of the public interest is the subject of a paper on the acquisition of agricultural lands in the Czech Republic. While the common and divergent features of some European national rules dealing with hunting damage are highlighted in the following paper, the appropriateness of the national or international level of regulation in the context of the protection of cemeteries and memorials as cultural heritage is examined in the following study. This issue concludes with a report on two scientific conferences organised by the Central European Academy.
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
The Central European Journal of Comparative Law's 1st issue of 2022 has two main topics. On the one hand, it includes analyses on investment protection, in particular the relationship between EU law and national law, and, on the other hand, it publishes articles on constitutional values, with a special emphasis put on Christian values in constitutions.
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
The Journal's 2nd issue of 2021 includes comparative legal analyses on the ranking of legal periodicals, the intergenerational transfer of family-run enterprises, provisions addressing land policy, ethnic data collection for educational purposes, the fundamental right of marriage, as well as some chosen values and guarantees of constitutions. Furthermore, the issue consists of scholarly articles on the following topics: international investment law in Germany, fundamental rights from different institutional approaches, COVID-19 measures taken in Slovakia, statehood as the prerequisite for law and liberty, church property restitution in Romania, children in criminal procedure in Poland. Last but not least, we must emphasisedly mention that our readers may peruse an article on Ferenc Mádl: this article is extremely close to "the heart of this Journal's publisher", given that the Journal is published by the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law saluting his academic excellence.
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
The first issue of 2021 includes a great variety of topics. Readers may peruse scholarly writings from internationally renowned experts on the rule of law, the relationship between national law and EU law, family enterprises, the recodification of private law, etc.
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
The Central European Journal of Comparative Law's Issue 2 of 2020 concentrates on three main issues: the relationship between EU law and national legal systems, with special regard to the role of the Constitution in the hierarchy of sources of law; restrictions of fundamental rights during the special legal order; and foreign investment control regimes at national level. Furthermore, the readers may peruse articles from the field of labour law (home office work and telework in Romania and Hungary), criminal law (organised crime in Poland) and company law (limited liability companies in France).
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)
Our first issue primarily deals with the legal questions of limited liability companies. Company law experts from Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia analyse their national law in connection with LLCs. Besides, there are other interesting topics included in the issue, such as non-territorial autonomy, expert opinions on foreign law and overcrowding in prisons.