Christian Values in the Constitutions of Croatia and Slovenia

A Comparative Overview

Keywords: Christian values, constitutions, Croatia, Slovenia, universal good


This paper will strive to show that Christian values can be found in almost every constitution in the western world, although explicit invocations of Christian values are quite rare. There are constitutions that use invocatio dei and those that create state churches, but such constitutions represent a minority among constitutions. Croatia and Slovenia make good models for the purpose of this paper as they represent very similar and, at the same time, very different states with regard to the chosen model of state-church relations. The paper will show that, notwithstanding their different constitutional setup of state-church relations, Croatian and Slovene constitutions do not differ much with regard to the presence of Christian values in them.


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How to Cite
StaničićF. (2022). Christian Values in the Constitutions of Croatia and Slovenia: A Comparative Overview. Central European Journal of Comparative Law, 3(1), 203-220.