Some Values and Guarantees in the Ten-Year-Old Hungarian Constitution, With a Look at the Constitutional Arrangements of the Countries Founding the European Integration

Keywords: constitutional values, human rights, public finance, emergency powers, future generations


In this study, certain values and guarantee institutions of the Hungarian Fundamental Law are analysed in the light of the constitutions of the countries that have established European integration – Germany, France, Italy, and Belgium. Among the value systems, Christian culture and the family have been examined, while the study has also focused on the guarantees important for living conditions, such as strict public finance provisions, rules on emergency powers, and provisions guaranteeing a high level of protection for future generations and the environment. In addition to the analysis of the constitutions, the study makes several references to the jurisprudence of the countries concerned and to the most important aspects of constitutional developments in recent years.


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How to Cite
SzilágyiJ. E. (2021). Some Values and Guarantees in the Ten-Year-Old Hungarian Constitution, With a Look at the Constitutional Arrangements of the Countries Founding the European Integration. Central European Journal of Comparative Law, 2(2), 197-219.