Some Current Problems with the Regulation of Limited Liability Companies in Serbia

  • Vladimir Marjanski Associate professor, Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Attila Dudás Associate professor, Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Keywords: limited liability company, LLC regulation in Serbia, participation in LLC, share in LLC, liability of members, protection of minority members and company's creditors


In Serbia, the legal status of limited liability companies (LLCs; društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću, d.o.o.) is for the most part regulated by the Companies Act (Zakon o privrednim društvima). All four basic legal forms of company are regulated by this Act. Unlike in Austria and Germany, there are no special laws on LLCs and joint stock companies (JSCs). Regulating all legal forms of a company with the same act, including procedures for their liquidation, status changes (acquisition, merger, division, and spin-off), and changes of legal form, may be considered a conceptual shortcoming of the regulation relating to LLCs and of company law in Serbia in general. A specific law would enable legislators to tailor detailed rules pertaining only to LLCs, in which all peculiarities of this legal form of companies might be better addressed. Furthermore, there are relatively numerous legal norms applicable to JSCs, the appropriate application of which is can be legally extended to LLCs. However, most of them are not conceptually applicable due to the different nature of JSCs and LLCs. In addition, company law will have to undergo significant changes in upcoming years due to the process of accession of Serbia to the European Union and the fulfilment of the conditions contained in chapter 6 of the accession negotiations pertaining to company law.


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How to Cite
MarjanskiV., & DudásA. (2020). Some Current Problems with the Regulation of Limited Liability Companies in Serbia. Central European Journal of Comparative Law, 1(1), 131-145.