Judicial Reform in Serbia in Light of “the Venetian Concept” of the Rule of Law
This paper analyses the influence of the standards of the Venice Commission in the area of the rule of law in the course of Serbian judicial reforms. The author first “sketches” the constitutional “path” of the idea of judicial independence and the rule of law in Serbia. He derives an “extract” from the “jurisprudence” of the Venice Commission in the area of the rule of law, which refers to the standards of an independent judiciary summarised in a document called the Rule of Law Checklist. The normative framework, which has been set by the constitutional amendments from 2022 and judicial laws from 2023, is a positive step on the way to building a national rule of law that will be compatible with international standards. In the coming period, Serbia will face numerous external and internal challenges. The Commission points to the relatively weak material position of judges, the lack of interest of young lawyers in applying for judicial positions, the large gap between retiring judges and young people. The Commission particularly emphasises the importance of building a legal culture. The author considers that segment essential for the success of the process that has begun. The author underlines that the international standards of the rule of law must not have absolute supremacy vis-à-vis the real needs of their adaptation to the national political, legal and social environment of the country in question. It is necessary to strive for a dynamic balance that will, in the long term, provide the conditions for the rule of law of national content that confirms the generally accepted civilisational values and achievements of the international legal community. Every step in that process must be carefully thought out and undertaken
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