Current Issue

No. 65 (2024): 2024. évi kötet

Teljes kötet letöltése


Published: 2024-12-20


Research reports

The history of the Hungarian anthropology


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Anthropologiai Közlemények is the official journal of the Anthropological Section of the Hungarian Biological Society. The volumes are published by the surveillance and support of the Section of Biological Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Anthropologiai Közlemények publishes original scientific articles from the fields of biological anthropology, human genetics (not clinical), as well as brief publications on the general topics of biological anthropology. The electronic manuscripts, as well as two printed versions of the manuscript, should be submitted to the Editor of Anthropologiai Közlemények.
Most papers appear in Hungarian with an English abstract and bilingual (Hungarian and English) captions for figures and tables. Manuscripts written in the English language are also accepted. Each submission is reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers.