Pilismarót-Basaharc vaskori népességének történeti embertani vizsgálata

  • Katalin Gyenesei Nemzeti Régészeti Intézet, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Közgyűjteményi Központ Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum
  • Sándor Évinger
  • Károly Tankó
  • Erzsébet Jerem
  • Tamás Hajdu
Kulcsszavak: Iron Age; Celts; La Tène culture; Hallstatt culture; skeletal burials, cremation


Pilismarót-Basaharc is a unique Iron Age cemetery in the Danube Bend, which represents the transition between the Early and the Late Iron Age burial rite and custom. The anthropological material of the Iron Age cemetery consists of 57 inhumation and 33 cremation graves. Additionally, highly fragmented and incomplete skeletal remains from nine settlement-related pits were also uncovered. In relation to the skeletal burials, 10 males, 15 females, 5 juveniles and 28 children, from which 20 were under the age of two, were identified. As for the pit burials, except for two children, mainly adult cranial fragments and incomplete skeletons were found. Our analysis revealed that most of the assessed crania were brachycran in contrast to the dolicho- and mesocranic features noted in Transdanubia from this period. Majority of the identified pathological conditions, such as degenerative changes of the spine and the joints, as well as skeletal stress markers, commonly affected prehistoric populations. Besides, an elderly female individual exhibited hyperostosis frontalis interna (HFI) on the inner surface of the frontal bone. Traumatic lesions, like fractures were rarely observed and all of them were healed. Upon studying the cremated remains, no major difference could be established regarding the fragmentation and degree of calcination. Almost all the cremated individuals reached adulthood and were cremated shortly after death.y after death.


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