Növekedési hormonnal kezelt, klasszikus növekedésihormon-hiányos gyermekek születéskori státuszának elemzése az Érettség–Fejlettség–Tápláltság-mátrix módszer segítségével

  • Dorina Annár
  • Annam Zsakai ELTE
  • Ágota Muzsnai
Kulcsszavak: Growth hormone deficiency, Birth status, Intrauterine growth retardation, MDN method, Growth hormone treatment


An essential indicator of children's health is weight gain and general growth reflecting development, making the understanding of abnormal growth and maturation patterns crucial for early intervention and long-term health outcomes. The Maturity–Development–Nutrition (MDN) matrix method enables the easy identification of intrauterine growth retardation during the newborn period, which can increase the risk of stillbirth and infant mortality.

The main purpose was to examine the birth status (length of prenatal development, body length, body weight, nutritional status) of children with classic growth hormone deficiency treated with growth hormone using the MDN matrix method.

We examined the birth status of 98 children (67 boys, 31 girls) with isolated growth hormone deficiency who were treated at the North Buda St. John’s Centre Hospital, between 1975 and 2016. We analysed birth status using data on the children’s gestational age, sex, birth length and birth weight. Centile values for birth length and weight were determined using national reference series corresponding to birth year, gestational age and sex. The MDN matrix was used to assess newborn nutritional status and intrauterine growth retardation type.

Children with growth hormone deficiency have a prenatal development length that is similar to the Hungarian reference values. However, their birth length and weight were lower than the domestic reference series. According to the MDN matrix method, their nutritional status was similar to that of children born between 2000 and 2012. However, 34.69% of the children were growth-retarded according to their birth developmental status, which was significantly higher than the frequency observed in the children included in the reference series.

The results confirm that the MDN method may be appropriate for identifying newborns who would benefit from early investigations to diagnose growth hormone deficiency.

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