Statement of Publication Ethics

The editorial board follows the guidelines of the Committee of Publication Ethics (CORE) (

The submission of a paper implies the confirmation by the author that the work is entirely original, has not been previously published and that it has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. The journal accepts studies in English and Hungarian, which are evaluated by anonymous scientifically certified reviewers invited by the editorial board in a double-blind procedure. The authors will be notified of the judging results and may correct their manuscript once based on the reviewers' opinions.

Dance and Education is published twice a year, both online and in print, but manuscripts are only accepted through the online interface, which requires registration and login.

If the article reports the results of a physical and/or psychological study, the author(s) must send the editorial board the research ethics approval.

The double-blind peer-review process:

  1. The editorial staff evaluates the submitted manuscript and checks whether its topic fits the profile of the journal, and performs plagiarism screening.
  2. With the agreement of the editorial board, the editor-in-chief invites two experts in educational sciences or dance to the anonymous evaluation process.
  3. The reviewers evaluate the manuscript online within 30 days and send a textual assessment of the text to the editorial board. At the end of the review, reviewers classify the manuscript into one of the following categories: accepted; accepted with minor changes; accepted with major changes; rejection.
  4. Taking into account the evaluation of the professional reviewers, the editorial board decides on the publication of the manuscript. If both invited reviewers refuse to publish the manuscript, Dance and Education will not publish it. In the case of a supportive and a negative reviewer's opinion, the editor-in-chief shall request the opinion of a third reviewer.
  5. The editor-in-chief forwards the reviewer's opinions and the editorial decision to the author.
  6. All details of the reviewing process, in particular the identities of the authors and reviewers, should be kept confidential by the editorial board.

Content and formal requirements for the submitted manuscript:

  1. The basic condition for publication is that the author prepares his / her manuscript based on the author's guide on the online interface of the journal. The journal does not accept materials prepared in any other form.
  2. The author's guide contains the content and form requirements of each section, based on which you can submit the manuscript to the author to the appropriate extent and for the appropriate section.
  3. The manuscript should follow the content, format and reference guidelines in the online interface of the journal.
  4. The manuscript and its attachments (pictures, declaration of authenticity of the manuscript) must be uploaded in Word format on the journal's website after registration. The uploaded manuscript contains the title and abstract of the work in both Hungarian and English, as well as its 3-4 keywords.
  5. Upon completion of the review process, the author will be notified of the manuscript's acceptance or rejection. In case of acceptance, the author must make the requested changes within the given deadline (two weeks), considering the proofreading and editorial suggestions.
  6. After the corrections have been made within the deadline, the editorial board examines the modifications and then decides on the final acceptance of the manuscript.
  7. The proofread English and Hungarian manuscripts must be returned by the author within one week of review and approval. Before publication, the author receives a final layout of his / her work for approval with a five-day return deadline, after which they have the opportunity to indicate any typographical errors in the text. The author acknowledges that no further changes are possible after the approval of the layout.
  8. When submitting the manuscript, the author declares that the submitted manuscript is an original work; it has not been published elsewhere or is not being published.
  9. In the case of co-authorship, the declaration of authenticity must be submitted by everyone in order to submit the work, and all co-authors must approve the final version.

The editorial office will withdraw from publication in the following cases:

  1. If the editorial board or the reviewers find plagiarism, fabrication of data, falsification of results, or duplicate submission in the manuscript.
  2. If the author does not correct or edit his manuscript properly.
  3. If the author does not take into account the deadlines in the stages of the editing process.

Authors have the right to appeal against editorial decisions. This must be in written form and be sent to the editor-in-chief directly. The editor-in-chief evaluates the situation with the help of the editors and makes a final decision on the grounds of the journal's standards. Authors receive a written answer to their appeal.