Comments on the oldest layer of Pannonian river-names. Part 1


  • Harald Bichlmeier Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
Keywords: hdyronyms, Old-European river names, Save, Indo-European hydronyms, Slavic hydronyms, etymology, Hans Krahe, historical toponomastics


Comments on the oldest layer of Pannonian river-names Part 1: Sáva/Száva/Save  


Research on Old-European river-names was started some 70 years ago by Hans Krahe. Unfortunately, the methods of such research have not changed much over the last decades, while Indo-European linguistics has progressed immensely under the same period. The time has come to take a fresh look at the names which form the oldest layer of linguistic material available in Central Europe. As an example of this new methodology the paper presents a thorough probe into the river-name Sáva/Száva/Save. On the one hand, a number of new insights can be gained, on the other hand, the fact that simple, one and only solutions are a thing of the past must be accepted.
