The names of distant stars and planets

The names accepted as part of the NameExoWorlds 2019 campaign

  • Judit Kozma ELTE Savaria Egyetemi Központ
Keywords: extraterrestial names, names of exoplanets, International Astronomical Union, IAU, NameExoWorlds 2019 campaign, tender for naming


The names of distant stars and planets

The names accepted as part of the NameExoWorlds 2019 campaign

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019. To celebrate the occasion, the organisation announced a campaign for countries to name exoplanets, that is planets outside of our solar system and their stars. A total of 113 countries and autonomous regions took part in the campaign, choosing names by way of public votes. The IAU announced the 225 names chosen at a press conference on 17 December 2019 and accepted these as official (alongside the scientific names already in use). Following a brief description of exoplanets, the study categorises the planet names according to onomastic aspects and offers an overview of the names submitted to the Hungarian committee.

Onomastics and events