The Latinization and its absence in the foundation charter of Pécsvárad Abbey

  • Melinda Szőke Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Debreceni Egyetem
Keywords: The Deed of Foundation of Pécsvárad Abbey, interpolated charter, Latinisation, Latin name forms, Middle Ages, historical toponomastics


The Latinization and its absence in the foundation charter of Pécsvárad Abbey

The founding charter of Pécsvárad Abbey (+1015/+1158 [about 1220]/1323/1403/PR.) is a document that has only survived in a 15th-century copy of a 13th-century forgery. Thus, an analysis of toponym history and linguistic history must deal with several chronological planes when studying the document. The first section of this study examines Hungarian words (Duna ‘Danube’; the names of trees: e.g. tulfa ‘oak’, scylfa ‘elm’; geographic common nouns: e.g. aruc ‘ditch’, nogwt ‘main road’) that are used only in Latin in other documents or are characterised by mixed usages of Latin and Hungarian terms. These indicate a lack of Latinisation. The second section details the characteristics of five Latin name forms used in the document (Scena abbatis, Sirmia, Strigoniensis, Colocensis, Montis Ferrei), emphasising their chronological order. The small number of Latin names among all designations in the charter and the use of vulgar elements instead of Latin is presented as an imprint of 11th-century charter writing (from the time of Saint Stephen). Thus, the charter can provide significant insight into the beginnings of charter writing in Hungary.
